How to do transaction in Forex market?

Trading in the Forex market is very easy and practical, you can trade on your computer, tablet or smartphone wherever you are on the internet.

In the Forex market, some brokerage  houses have their own platforms, but the most widely accepted and widely used platform is MetaTrader. You can download MetaTrader to your computer, tablet or smart phone, or you can instantly connect to the web. In the MetaTrader platform, you can follow the current prices of products as well as the level of margin and deposit.

If you don’t have access to internet, by calling your brokerage house you can request sell or buy order immediately (if you have deposit in the brokerage house). Your specified position will be opened by the authorized persons in the institution.

If you want to follow the market while you work you can download the application to your smart phone. Thus you can feel safe everytime. You can check all products you have and you can enter a fill or kill order to Forex market via your account. You can enter different orders like forward order or immediate order. There are different buy and sell order options. You can freely choose which transaction you want.